About this journalBioinformation (Online ISSN 0973-2063; Print ISSN 0973-8894) is a scientific journal publishing research articles in biological knowledgediscovery after full peer review. It is a transparent media for scholarly communication of scientific information in biology.All articles are published, without barriers to access, immediately upon acceptance. Aim and ScopeBioinformation publishes original research articles in all aspects of biological knowledge discovery through mathematical and computational analysis of biological data. The journal specifically invites articles describing new biological insights based on primary or derived data.Biology aspect of BioinformationAgriculture, Biochemistry, Cancer Biology, Cell Biology, Clinical Medicine, Immunology, Infectious diseases, Inflammation.Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Evolution, Structural Biology, Tissue Engineering, TransplantationInformation aspect of BioinformationData cleaning, data storage, data representation, data retrieval, data analysis and knowledge extractionEnabling TechnologiesBy definition, articles describing databases, datasets, prediction servers, prediction models and computer programs are classified under enabling technologies.CriteriaPublication of research articles by Bioinformation is dependent primarily on their novelty, relevance and coherence,as judged by editors and peer reviewers. SpeedBioinformation offers a very fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous editorial and peer review Open access (OA) ChargeAn OA charge of US$ 800** is applicable for all manuscriptsWe maintain a fast review process of 2-3 weeks and the article will be published immediately online upon acceptance as and when the supply chain and demand is established. **A 50% discount is given for eligible authors from developing nations upon review of justificationNoteCharges (open access) are applicable only for those manuscripts found suitable for publication in the journal.Volumes, issues, page numbersAll papers published in Bioinformation will be assigned a volume number, an issue number and page numbers.Submission of manuscriptsManuscripts must be submitted to the editors using online OJS. Full details of how to submit a manuscript are given in author guidelines.Journal Start dateFebruary 1, 2005FrequencyOnce in a month (updated December 2015)Document typeJournal; Academic/ScholarlyDocument formatHTML and PDFRefereedYesReview ProcessAll manuscripts submitted to BIOINFORMATION is subject to editorial (1 or more) screening and peer (1 or more) review.MediaOnline - full textLanguageEnglishSubjectBiology IndexingThe journal content is indexed in databases like PubMed Central (PMC), PubMed, CROSS REF DOI, CITE FACTOR, EBSCO and Index Copernicus.PublisherBiomedical Informatics (online and Print)Publisher contact:
[email protected]